Week 11 Standings

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Dream Team Fantasy Football League Scores for 2003 Week #11
Weekly Scores                                  
Undertakers        (70) Show Me the Money  (92)
Jaguars            (93) Mighty Caesars     (56)
TBFC               (79) Sandbaggers        (88)
Suicide Kings      (84) What's the Point   (83)
Semolina Pilchards (79) Dragon Slayers     (61)
C&D TD Makers      (80) TNT Explosion     (102)

Dream Team Fantasy Football League Standings after 2003 Week #11     
Walter Payton              Win     Div   NonDi  Pts Avg  Pts Avg     
                    W L T  Pct  GB W L T W L T  For  PF   Ag  PA Strk
------------------ -- - - ---- --- - - - - - - ---- --- ---- --- ----
Semolina Pilchards  8 3 0 .727 --- 4 1 0 4 2 0 1027  93  855  78   7W
TBFC                8 3 0 .727 --- 4 1 0 4 2 0  980  89  862  78   1L
Suicide Kings       5 6 0 .455 3.0 2 3 0 3 3 0  806  73  897  82   1W
C&D TD Makers       3 8 0 .273 5.0 0 5 0 3 3 0  831  76 1021  93   3L
Lawrence Taylor            Win     Div   NonDi  Pts Avg  Pts Avg     
                    W L T  Pct  GB W L T W L T  For  PF   Ag  PA Strk
------------------ -- - - ---- --- - - - - - - ---- --- ---- --- ----
Sandbaggers        10 1 0 .909 --- 5 0 0 5 1 0 1184 108  853  78   8W
What's the Point    6 5 0 .545 4.0 3 2 0 3 3 0  918  83  968  88   2L
Undertakers         4 7 0 .364 6.0 2 3 0 2 4 0 1007  92 1037  94   1L
Jaguars             3 8 0 .273 7.0 0 5 0 3 3 0  909  83 1100 100   2W
Joe Montana                Win     Div   NonDi  Pts Avg  Pts Avg     
                    W L T  Pct  GB W L T W L T  For  PF   Ag  PA Strk
------------------ -- - - ---- --- - - - - - - ---- --- ---- --- ----
Dragon Slayers      7 4 0 .636 --- 4 1 0 3 3 0 1064  97  884  80   1L
TNT Explosion       7 4 0 .636 --- 3 2 0 4 2 0  957  87  958  87   1W
Show Me the Money   3 8 0 .273 4.0 2 3 0 1 5 0  870  79 1014  92   1W
Mighty Caesars      2 9 0 .182 5.0 1 4 0 1 5 0  826  75  930  85   7L

Team Owner Statistics                                             
                   Start  Pot  Coach Bench Wkly Wkly Coulda Woulda
Team                 Pts  Pts  Grade   Pts High  Low    Won   Lost
------------------ ----- ---- ------ ----- ---- ---- ------ ------
TBFC                 980 1249  78.5%   633    0    1     +2     -3
What's the Point     918 1063  86.4%   549    0    0     +1     -5
Mighty Caesars       826 1070  77.2%   581    0    2     +7     -2
C&D TD Makers        831  982  84.6%   464    0    1     +2     -2
Undertakers         1007 1179  85.4%   547    1    0     +3      0
Show Me the Money    870 1069  81.4%   549    0    1     +3     -2
Semolina Pilchards  1027 1255  81.8%   642    1    0     +2     -2
Sandbaggers         1184 1387  85.4%   702    3    0     +1     -3
TNT Explosion        957 1168  81.9%   537    2    0     +1     -2
Suicide Kings        806 1074  75.0%   646    0    3     +2     -3
Jaguars              909 1166  78.0%   653    0    2     +2     -1
Dragon Slayers      1064 1274  83.5%   647    4    2     +1     -2

Waiver Wire Order 
Mighty Caesars    
C&D TD Makers     
Show Me the Money 
Suicide Kings     
What's the Point  
TNT Explosion     
Dragon Slayers    
Semolina Pilchards

Previous Week's Transactions                                                      
TBFC                Traded NEW ENGLAND TEAM QB ($2.50) to Show Me the Money       
Show Me the Money   Traded ST. LOUIS TEAM QB ($2.50) to TBFC                      
TBFC                Traded WR COLES,LAVERANUES (WAS) ($2.50) to Show Me the Money 
Show Me the Money   Traded WR CHREBET,WAYNE (NYJ) ($2.50) to TBFC                 
TBFC                Traded RB GARNER,CHARLIE (OAK) ($2.50) to Semolina Pilchards  
Semolina Pilchards  Traded RB GEORGE,EDDIE (TEN) ($2.50) to TBFC                  
TBFC                Traded WR JOHNSON,CHAD (CIN) ($2.50) to Semolina Pilchards    
Semolina Pilchards  Traded WR BRUCE,ISAAC (STL) ($2.50) to TBFC                   
Jaguars             Dropped WR GALLOWAY,JOEY (DAL)                                
Jaguars             Picked Up WR WALKER,JAVON (GB) ($5.00)                        
TNT Explosion       Dropped RB WILLIAMS,RICKY (IND)                               
TNT Explosion       Picked Up RB JACKSON,JAMES (CLE) ($5.00)                      
TBFC                Dropped RB CLOUD,MIKE (NE)                                    
TBFC                Picked Up RB WESTBROOK,BRIAN (PHI) ($5.00)                    
TBFC                Dropped WR CHREBET,WAYNE (NYJ)                                
TBFC                Picked Up WR KENNISON,EDDIE (KC) ($5.00)                      
Mighty Caesars      Dropped RB SMITH,ONTERRIO (MIN)                               
Mighty Caesars      Picked Up RB MACK,STACEY (HOU) ($5.00)                        
TNT Explosion       Dropped WR GARDNER,ROD (WAS)                                  
TNT Explosion       Picked Up WR HEAP,TODD (BAL) ($5.00)                          
Current Week's Transactions                                                       
Suicide Kings       Dropped WR STALLWORTH,DONTE' (NO)                             
Suicide Kings       Picked Up WR BRANCH,DEION (NE) ($5.00)                        
Undertakers         Dropped MIAMI TEAM QB                                         
Undertakers         Dropped WR PRICE,PEERLESS (ATL)                               
Undertakers         Dropped WR RICE,JERRY (OAK)                                   
Undertakers         Picked Up CAROLINA TEAM QB ($5.00)                            
Undertakers         Picked Up WR CALICO,TYRONE (TEN) ($5.00)                      
Undertakers         Picked Up WR PINKSTON,TODD (PHI) ($5.00)                      
Undertakers         Dropped RB GREEN,WILLIAM (CLE)                                
Undertakers         Picked Up RB MURRELL,ADRIAN (DAL) ($5.00)                     

Next Week's Fantasy Schedule           
C&D TD Makers     at Semolina Pilchards
Suicide Kings     at TBFC              
Sandbaggers       at What's the Point  
Jaguars           at Undertakers       
Show Me the Money at Mighty Caesars    
TNT Explosion     at Dragon Slayers    

Week #12 NFL Schedule                                      
Detroit Lions        at Minnesota Vikings    Sunday  1:00pm
Seattle Seahawks     at Baltimore Ravens     Sunday  1:00pm
San Francisco 49ers  at Green Bay Packers    Sunday  1:00pm
New Orleans Saints   at Philadelphia Eagles  Sunday  1:00pm
Carolina Panthers    at Dallas Cowboys       Sunday  1:00pm
Jacksonville Jaguars at New York Jets        Sunday  1:00pm
Pittsburgh Steelers  at Cleveland Browns     Sunday  1:00pm
New England Patriots at Houston Texans       Sunday  1:00pm
Indianapolis Colts   at Buffalo Bills        Sunday  1:00pm
Chicago Bears        at Denver Broncos       Sunday  4:05pm
St. Louis Rams       at Arizona Cardinals    Sunday  4:05pm
Tennessee Titans     at Atlanta Falcons      Sunday  4:05pm
Oakland Raiders      at Kansas City Chiefs   Sunday  4:15pm
Cincinnati Bengals   at San Diego Chargers   Sunday  4:15pm
Washington Redskins  at Miami Dolphins       Sunday  8:30pm
New York Giants      at Tampa Bay Buccaneers Monday  9:00pm